Located in the Regional Natural Park of the Volcanoes of Auvergne, near St-Donat, the peat bog of Jouvion is the reflection of traditional human agricultural activity in the middle mountains.

The sensitive natural area of ​​the Jouvion peat bog

Long grazed or mown, it was abandoned in the 2000s. Bought by the department and the municipality of St-Donat, it is now protected as a sensitive natural area. Thus, a respectful agriculture of the bog and the riparian meadows is encouraged, and measurements of the evolution of the animal populations and the rare plants that live here are carried out.
A short and comfortable path allows the visitor to discover a pioneer environment (a pond created from scratch) to understand how the fauna and flora appropriate young natural environments.

To remember

Dogs must be kept on a leash.

More information


D. Gonthier
Jouvion bog
  • From Saint-Donat follow the D25 towards Bagnols, then the D129 towards Peut and Jouvion
  • From La Tour d'Auvergne, follow the D129 towards La Pruneyre and Jouvion
  • From the car park, access is a few minutes on foot.
  • For walkers, a 10 kilometer hike from the village of Saint-Donat passes close to the bog.

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